CONTAGIOUS MENTORSHIP AND COACHING SERVICES affords you the privilege to develop and empower yourself into a person of purpose and fulfillment. Using tools of mentorship and coaching each person will be able to identify who and where they are and chart a path forward to create change leading to improvement and productivity. IMPACT will be created.



Everyone needs a coach or a mentor, I will be that mentor to take you to the next level. Call now


Our group session can be more economical. Find out which group is right for you.

One and one

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Coaching and Counselling

Leadership development

Sessions in leadership are centred on identifying and developing your leadership potential. Regardless of what level leadership you are at, the sessions will inspire you to lead your life, organization and family better.

Personal counselling

Sessions are geared towards helping you to identify issues and concerns and chart a path to empowerment. You will develop skills to manage your life so that you become emotionally, spiritually and psychologically healthy.

Personal Development

Sessions are geared towards helping you to identify your purpose, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. Using the Wired to Win Productivity planner, you will learn to cast a vision for your life and wire yourself to win in life.

Career Development

Sessions are geared towards helping you to identify what your purpose is in choosing the career that best suits you. Your career should bring you a sense of joy and peace which in turn will increase your stability in life.

Pre and Post marital
